October 28, 2009


Seasonal Items and Jackets


Jeans and Winter Items

Pajamas and Tshirts and Items for the Holidays

Shoes, Shoes, and More Shoes, and part of the Baby Items, Much of them Were Stored

Noah Tucker and Me Sorting Through The Mess

Me Sorting All The Undergarments

Any Spring or Summer item was put into storage into a nearby closet, and there was a lot of them.


Making some last minute changes to the room. I will be opening the first Saturday in November. I know that seems far off, but with everything that still needs to be done, there is no other wya. I spent 2 hours rearranging the room, because in LESS than 24 hours MORE clothes showed up.


Today I spent 3 hours finishing putting away clothes. I return to to church to find boxes of clothes waiting for me. I have used up all the hangers, only to find bags ful in the closet. What a miracle! Everything is sorted and hung up niw.

There have been announcements made and today I spent another hour today making posters and hanging them up. They are located all thoughout the church and soon I will be making an "ad" in the church currier.